Hot Mess

Election results are in and it looks as though....nothing has changed!

How is this possible?  This awesome little op-ed deftly sums it up.  Illusion is the only reality, indeed.

I would like to say, though, that this is the country that brought us the Renaissance, and thus a huge part of our own culture and history.  Just about everything it touches is beautiful, and though not always, there is often much depth under that beauty.  Also, it's hardly a country; it's a bunch of loosely cobbled together city-states, and the loose cobbling only happened in 1861.  Many people are born and die in the same city, and some never even travel to many other regions, let alone countries.  Italy is ancient and wise, but it's also a small, small child.  Ya know?  I am on its side.

Come on, Italy.  Get it together.


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